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Tutorials for Automation, Programming, No-code and Low-code

Convert HTML to PDF in Java with OpenPDF

OpenPDF is a framework that is used for converting HTML to PDF documents. It uses Java programming language for its conversion.

In this article, we will look at how to convert HTML documents to PDF documents using OpenPDF and Java. Let’s get started!

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Convert HTML to PDF in C# using 5 Popular Libraries (Updated 2024)

Most real-world applications face the need to generate PDFs from various content sources. This task often involves creating PDFs from custom HTML or directly from website URLs.

In this article, we will look into some approaches that we can take to generate PDFs from HTML using C#.

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Generate PDFs in JavaScript(Browser) with 4 Popular Methods

This article explores several popular methods to generate PDFs with JavaScript, focusing on three key approaches: using the html2pdf library, the jsPDF library, the pdfmake library, and the built-in window.print() method.

We will discuss the pros and cons of each approach and provide working code snippets to help you generate your desired PDF document.

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Convert HTML to PDF in Node.js with 4 Popular Libraries (Updated 2024)

Most real-world applications encounter the requirement of generating PDFs based on some content. This includes generating PDFs from custom HTML content or even generating PDFs directly from a website URL.

In this article, we will look into some approaches that we can take to generate PDFs from HTML using Node.js.

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Convert HTML to PDF in PHP with 5 Popular Libraries (Updated 2024)

In this article, we will explore some approaches for generating PDFs from HTML using PHP, including libraries such as TCPDF, Dompdf, and mPDF.

We will also discuss using, an API-based PDF generation platform, which provides an easy way to generate and manage PDFs using templates.

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How To Create a Dynamic QR Code for a PDF

Since supports HTML to PDF conversion, this article will walk you through a built-in function on how to generate QR codes. Also, we’ll explore a few JavaScript libraries for QR code generation. Let’s dive in!

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How to Generate PDF From HTML with Playwright and Java

Perhaps you’re working on an application that requires you to export data in PDF format and perform web testing and automation in different cases. Well, there’s a handy tool made precisely for such tasks.

In this article, we’ll explore HTML to PDF conversion using Playwright and APITemplate.

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How to convert HTML to PDF using Java

Generating PDFs from custom HTML content or directly from website URLs is a common requirement for many real-world applications.

In this article, we will explore some approaches to generate PDFs from HTML using Java.

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Exploring No-code Tools for Business Solutions

In this article, I will be delving into understanding no-code tools and their use. We would also go into an in-depth description of exploring popular no-code tools, their advantages, the differences between no-code and low-code tools, as well as how you can tailor these tools for business solutions.

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