Secure Access to Generated PDFs with

This documentation provides guidance on how to securely access and manage generated PDFs using

To protect sensitive data and comply with security best practices, offers multiple options for safeguarding generated PDFs, including setting expiration times, returning files directly without cloud storage, and enabling direct uploads to your own cloud storage (BYOS).

In addition, provides regional API endpoints to enhance performance, ensure regulatory compliance, and improve data security for users in specific geographic regions. This documentation will walk you through the available options and configurations to meet your security and performance needs.

Options to safeguard generated PDFs:

Option 1: Expiration: By default, the PDF URL does not expire. To ensure URLs expire after a specific time, specify the expiration in minutes in your request. This will return an AWS pre-signed URL. Once expired, the PDFs will be removed. More details are available at API Reference.

Option 2: Export Type – File: By default, generated PDFs are uploaded to’s cloud storage, and a URL to the file is returned. If you prefer not to store the PDFs on the cloud, set the export_type parameter to file in your request. This will return the PDF as a binary file, and it will not be stored on our cloud. Note that the maximum file size for certain endpoints is 6MB. More information can be found at API Reference.

Option 3: Bring Your Own Storage (BYOS): If you prefer to store the PDFs on your own cloud storage (S3, Azure, R2), provides a “Bring Your Own Storage” (BYOS) feature. You can configure the API to upload generated PDFs directly to your cloud storage. To disable’s cloud upload, set the cloud_storage parameter to 0 in the request.

Request Logging

By default, retains all request logs for 2 weeks. To disable logging, go to the API Integration tab and uncheck the “Log Request” option.

Regional API Endpoints

Regional API endpoints are optimized for users in specific geographic locations. The data for the requests and generated PDFs/images are processed and stored within the region.

These endpoints offer:

  1. Faster Response Times: Data processing and storage operations occur within the same region, reducing latency and improving performance.
  2. Improved Regulatory Compliance: Regional endpoints help ensure compliance with data residency regulations, such as GDPR, by processing and storing data within the customer’s region.
  3. Enhanced Data Security: By keeping data within regional boundaries, the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access is minimized.

For more information, please refer to the API Reference.

Table of Contents



Articles for Image Generation

Articles for PDF Generation