PDF Measuring Tool

This tool measures the distance between 2 points in a PDF.

Drag and drop a PDF file here

Click twice on the PDF to measure distance. Hold Ctrl when clicking the second point to snap horizontally or vertically.

Page 1 of 1 100%
Coordinates: [0, 0]

What is APITemplate.io?

APITemplate.io is designed for generating PDF documents from reusable templates. It can be easily integrated with popular tools like Zapier, Airtable, Make.com, Bubble.io, n8n, UiPath, or directly via REST API, making it highly adaptable to various workflows.

There are three main ways to generate PDF documents using APITemplate.io:

  1. Template-based PDF generation: Create PDFs from predefined templates.
  2. HTML to PDF generation: Convert HTML content directly into PDF format.
  3. URL to PDF generation: Convert entire web pages to PDFs by simply providing their URLs.

The platform also supports custom CSS and JavaScript, allowing for advanced styling and customization. Its powerful template engine ensures that you can create complex documents efficiently, while the API Console enables you to preview and customize JSON data instantly.

In addition, APITemplate.io offers support for adding custom headers and footers, including page numbers and total page counts, making it an excellent choice for creating polished, professional PDF documents.

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APITemplate.io Offers API for PDF Generation

Auto-generate PDFs with HTML and WYSIWYG

Create Document Templates with Visual Editor

Create stunning PDFs using our  WYSIWYG Template Editor. With its user-friendly interface, you can design templates visually — no coding required.

Combine your designs with JSON data to generate dynamic, fully-customized PDFs tailored to your needs. Perfect for invoices, reports, certificates, and more.

Convert HTML to PDF

Effortlessly convert HTML to PDF using APITemplate.io’s powerful HTML Template Editor. Combine your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills with dynamic JSON data to create custom templates that deliver pixel-perfect PDFs.

Our PDF generation solution supports modern web technologies, enabling seamless integration for your automated workflows, reports, and more.

Get started for FREE, No Creditcard required

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